One of the biggest revelations to understanding the news related to the Trump-Russia Collusion narrative is the status of Donald J. Trump as a long-time undercover asset of the Federal Bureau of Investigation!
Myself and my friends on Twitter have uncovered evidence showing that President Trump & the Trump organization have helped the FBI in sting operations going back to at least 1981 & probably earlier. Many scratched their heads and said it wasn’t possible when I published threads on the topic almost one year ago. Fortunately, the evidence for this has continued to build with much of it based on FBI documents released under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Trump’s participation in law enforcement stings against mobsters, banksters, politicians, & spies have created much of the smoke that his enemies see behind every business deal & transaction. He has turned this to an advantage, as it leads Democrats & the MSM to investigate these stings with the same results from the FBI operations. The bad guys get exposed for things no one would have ever looked at, one of Trump’s associates gets exposed as an FBI or US intelligence asset, & Trump gets smeared but faces no legal consequences. Trump’s scandals always seem to end up as a trap for his enemies, exactly as designed!
I will detail more of this evidence as I begin transferring information into my blog. But I want to get the basic outline of the evidence & history exposed now. My revelation started by finding something amazing while researching Carter Page’s role in 2015 case of Russian spy Evgeni Buryakov. How did we all miss the sting that resulted in his indictment & apprehension by DOJ’s SDNY office. A collusion sting, with three FBI assets, who pretended they wanted to build a casino or tower in Moscow.
There appear to be three roles spelled out in the indictment & other documents from the Buryakov case. A wealthy casino investor (Male-1), the fixer for the investor (Undercover FBI Employee-1) & representative who conducted real estate transactions for the investor (Confidential Source-1). It seemed instantly clear that the individuals were probably Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, & Felix Sater working as FBI assets to run stings against the Russians.
It is obvious that this FBI sting against the Russians served as the basis for the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. I am sure we will find evidence in the Mueller Report that may explain how an FBI sting against the Russians was weaponized by Democrats & Deep State actors into the Collusion Narrative.

Some made the argument that these must me some other FBI assets not related to Trump’s business. However, there is a long history of similar stings run from Trump operations that span decades & continents. So we would have to believe that one group of FBI assets was running a sting against Russian spies out of Manhattan and an Atlantic City Casino against the same Russians while another group of FBI assets (Trump & associates) were going rogue & running an illegal collusion operation at the same time, place, & involving the same Russians.
If this was only one sting, we may have to consider that implausible scenario. But fortunately for us, we have much more evidence to show the pattern that repeats itself again & again!
- A media report links Donald Trump or his business to some shady activity.
- A Trump associate reaches out to a bad guy to discuss doing business.
- Trump serves as the bait while his associate & a fixer negotiates a dirty deal.
- An undercover FBI agent approaches the same bad guy wearing a wire for a similar deal.
- The bad guy pleads guilty & goes to prison.
- Trump & his associate narrowly ‘escape’ the investigation.
- Years later, Trump’s associate or fixer is identified as an FBI informant.
My search for answers on this lead me to documents released by the FBI in FOIA cases. Documents that showed that n 1981, Donald Trump & his brother approached the FBI to form an alliance against the Mob & corruption in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Trump wanted to open a casino there, but knew the corrupt environment posed a risk. His solution, staff his casino operation with FBI informants & undercover agents so that mobsters who approached his business would be exposed to prosecution.

Over the past 11 months, we have identified much more information. Found many more FBI stings being run out of Trump businesses. Starting in the late 70s or early 80s against the Mafia in NYC, moving on to identifying corrupt politicians in NY & NJ in the mid-80s, then moving into the world of international money laundering. The cases expanded from Manhattan to Atlantic City, then Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, Toronto, Vancouver, even Baku. All happening in similar manners, an FBI informant who looks like a shady character makes a deal with a lot of bad guys exposing corruption on a regional, national, and global scale.
Unfortunately, too many of these cases get blocked by people working for the Swamp in DC & various other Swamps around the world. Making the tradition process of prosecuting the little fish & getting them to flip on the big fish very ineffective. The little fish had too much incentive to not flip, the big fish paid for their lawyers & had influence over enough agents, prosecutors, & judges to keep cases from rising too high.
So a new plan was hatched, we don’t know if it was a plan by Donald J. Trump or his allies in DOJ & FBI who hated the corruption that was blocking them from draining the Swamp. But the case in the early 90s against BCCI, a corrupt banking institution, was blocked by the efforts of Swamp figures from around the world. It very likely lead to an alliance between those who tried to end the corruption. An interesting group they turned out to be.
A US Attorney named Rudy Giuliani who prosecuted many of the Mafia figures who were identified by Donald Trump. His Assistant US Attorney James Comey who brought down the Gambino family as part of that case fueled by informant Donald J. Trump. Then the Associate Attorney General for the Criminal Division who tried to drive the prosecution of BCCI for laundering the Mafia’s money. That AAG Robert Mueller was assisted by a young DOJ lawyer named Rod Rosenstein. They reported to Attorney General William Barr and his Deputy AG George Terwilliger III.
If you think it is a coincidence that the officials who tried to Drain the Swamp in 1991 are almost all intimately involved in current events, then you didn’t need to read this thread. Only 1 of those individuals is not involved at this time, DAG Terwilliger, but his son is playing an interesting role. He was an Assistant US Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia, then was assigned to help Senator Chuck Grassley’s Judiciary Committee investigate misconduct at the FBI & DOJ during the Obama Administration. In 2017, he became Chief of Staff to Rod Rosenstein involved in helping clean out the Swamp assets at the DOJ. Until 2018, when Zachary Terwilliger was nominated & confirmed to become the US Attorney for EDVA. Taking over many of the national security cases being run by former USA Dana Boente, including Wikileaks & a CIA contractor who was spying on Americans.
Oh there is so much more to tell you!
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